3 Ways to Prolong Your Roof’s Lifespan

Your roofing system is an integral part of your home that you’ve invested a lot of time and money into. As such, you want it to last for as long as possible. Even if your roof is decades old, conducting regular maintenance and having repairs as soon as it’s needed lets you get the most […]

Should You Remove the Ice and Snow From Your Roof?

One of the biggest causes of premature roof replacement projects is actually a common problem during winter. When the heat from your home melts the snow on your roof, the water drains down the roof panels and into the gutters. Sometimes, however, the runoff re-freezes as it reaches the edges of your roof. This can happen multiple […]

How to Maintain Peace During a Major Renovation

Do you have plans of doing a large-scale roof replacement or exterior renovation project anytime soon? While it will improve your home by leaps and bounds, it’s important to consider other factors as well. You’ll have to take into account the weather when you’re going to start the project and the materials that you’re going to need […]

Here’s How You Should Maintain Your Roof’s Vital Components

Your roof is a complex system of components that work together to keep your home and its inhabitants protected against the elements. But even a well-built roof won’t last long if some of its most important parts aren’t maintained and cared for as regularly as they should be. Here are the most crucial parts of your […]

How to Strategically Plan a Roof Replacement Budget

One of the most important parts of your home is the roof since it protects you and your family from the elements. According to residential roofing experts, it also provides your home with energy efficiency and comfort, and enhances your home’s design. As such, it’s important to ensure that your roof is always in great condition by […]

How to Reduce Stress From a Roofing Job

All roofing projects come with their fair share of stressful moments. But keep in mind that it’s an exciting experience that one should look forward to since it’s a chance to renew and rejuvenate the home through repairs or replacements so the roof will perform like new. Here are three tips to reduce the stress you […]

Breaking Down the Cost of Roof Replacement

If we were to rank the questions homeowners ask us, roof replacement cost would be among the top ones. With so many factors that come into play, there really is no definitive answer. Here are some insights into what goes into the cost of a new roof. Why Are Roofing Estimates Different? We’re not exaggerating when we […]